• Professeure - Responsable équipe MHE

Doctorat de l’Université de Montpellier I, 1994 : Adhérence aux cellules épithéliales buccales humaines de souches de Candida albicans isolées chez des patients VIH+

HDR, Université de Poitiers, 2003


Responsabilités actuelles ou récentes en lien avec la recherche

  • Directrice de l’équipe de recherche MHE, laboratoire EBI – depuis janvier 2022
  • Directrice adjointe de l’équipe MDE, labiratoire EBI – 2021
  • Editrice en chef du Journal of Medical Mycology (Elsevier) – depuis 2018
  • Membre du comité scientifique permanent Maladies Infectieuses et Emergentes, ANSM, depuis 2023


Thèmes de Recherche

Mes activités de recherche portent sur les biofilms et leurs implications en santé humaine. J’étudie la formation des biofilms, les interactions entre microorganismes à l’intérieur de ces structures et je recherche de nouveaux traitements capables de prévenir la formation des biofilms ou de les éliminer s’ils sont déjà formés.

Mes travaux s’intéressent tout particulièrement aux biofilms associés aux dispositifs médicaux implantés, tels que des prothèses ou des cathéters, ainsi qu’aux microtubulures présentes dans les unités de soins dentaires. Une fois ces substrats colonisés, un biofilm se forme rapidement dans lequel les microorganismes sont protégés des traitements antimicrobiens. Mes travaux sont centrés sur la levure commensale pathogène opportuniste Candida albicans¸ formant des biofilms mono-espèces ou pluri-espèces, mêlant également dans ce cas des bactéries telles que Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et/ou des amibes libres telles que Vermamoeba vermiformis.

Mes travaux participent à évaluer l’action anti-biofilm de molécules thérapeutiques et à rechercher de nouvelles molécules à potentiel anti-biofilm issues de substances naturelles (plantes invasives, lichens, fruits rouges…), ou obtenues par synthèse ou hémisynthèse chimique. Nos modèles permettent également des études contribuant à une meilleure compréhension de la physiopathologie des infections liées à un biofilm.



Biofilm ; Candida albicans ; Cutibacterium acnes ; Staphylococcus aureus ; amibes libres – antifongique ; traitement ; substances naturelles


Publications représentatives

  1. Costa D, Girardot M, Bertaux J, Verdon J, Imbert C. Efficacy of dental unit waterlines disinfectants on a polymicrobial biofilm. Water Research 2016, 91:38-44
  2. Bernard C, Renaudeau N, Mollichella M-L, Quellard N, Girardot M, Imbert C. Cutibacterium acnes protects Candida albicans from micafungin effect in biofilms. IJAA. 2018, 52: 942-6.
  3. Bernard C, Lemoine V, Hoogenkamp MA, Girardot M, Krom BP, Imbert C. Candida albicans enhances initial biofilm growth of Cutibacterium acnes under aerobic conditions. Biofouling. 2019 35(3): 350-60
  4. Lemoine V, Bernard C, Leman-Loubière C, Clément-Larosière B, Girardot M, Boudesocque-Delaye L, Munnier E, Imbert C. Nanovectorized Microalgal Extracts to Fight Candida albicans and Cutibacterium acnes Biofilms: Impact of Dual-Species Conditions. Antibiotics 2020 26;9(6):E279.
  5. Girardot M, Millot M, Hamion G, Billard J-L, Juin C, Ndong Ntoutoume GMA, Sol V, Mambu L, Imbert C. Lichen polyphenolic compounds for the eradication of Candida albicans Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2021, 11 :698883
  6. Desoubeaux G, Coste AT, Imbert C, Hennequin C. Overview about Candida auris: What’s up 12 years after its first description? J Med Mycol. 2022. 32(2): 101248
  7. Toure S, Millot M, Ory L, Roullier C, Khaldi Z, Pichon V, Girardot M, Imbert C, Mambu L. Access to anti-biofilm compounds from endolichenic fungi using a bioguided networking screening. J Fungi. 2022, 8(10): 1012
  8. Hamion G, Aucher W, Tardif C, Miranda J, Rouger C, Imbert C, Girardot M. Valorization of invasive plant extracts against the bi-species biofilm Staphylococcus aureus-Candida albicans by a bioguided molecular networking screening. Antibiotics 2022. 1(11):1595
  9. Hennequin C, Coste A, Imbert C. Changes in the fungal nomenclature: Why and how to manage? J Mycol Med. 2023 May;33(2):101404
  10. Desrini S, Girardot M, Imbert C, Mustofa M, Nuryastuti T. Screening antibiofilm activity of invasive plants growing at the Slope Merapi Mountain, Central Java, against Candida albicans. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2023 Jul 12;23(1):232
  11. Desrini S, Ducloux J, Hamion G, Bodet C, Labanowski J, Mustofa M, Nuryastuti T, Imbert C, Girardot M. Antibiofilm activity of invasive plants against Candida albicans: focus on Baccharis halimifolia essential oil and its compounds. Chem Biodivers. 2023 Jul 15:e202300130


PhD, University of Montpellier, 1994:  adherence of Candida albicans strains isolated from HIV+ patients to buccal epithelial cells

HDR, University of Poitiers, 2003

Current research contributions

  • Head of the MHE research team, EBI laboratory – since January 2022
  • Deputy Director of the MDE team, EBI laboratory – 2021
  • Editor in chief of the Journal of Medical Mycology (Elsevier) since 2018
  • Member of the permanent scientific committee on Infectious and Emerging Diseases, ANSM – since 2023

Research thematics

My research focuses on biofilms and their implications for human health. I study the formation of biofilms, the interactions between microorganisms within these structures and I am looking for new treatments capable of preventing the formation of biofilms or eliminating them if they have already formed.

My work focuses in particular on biofilms associated with implanted medical devices, such as prostheses or catheters, as well as microtubules present in dental care units. Once these substrates are colonised, a biofilm rapidly forms in which the microorganisms are protected from antimicrobial treatments. My work focuses on the opportunistic pathogenic commensal yeast Candida albicans¸ forming mono-species or multi-species biofilms, in this case also mixing bacteria such as Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and/or free-living amoebae such as Vermamoeba vermiformis.

My work contributes to evaluating the anti-biofilm properties of therapeutic molecules and researching new molecules with anti-biofilm potential derived from natural substances (invasive plants, lichens, red fruits, etc.) or obtained by chemical synthesis or hemisynthesis. Our models also enable studies that contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of biofilm-related infections.


Biofilm ; Candida albicans ; Cutibacterium acnes ; Staphylococcus aureus ; free living amoeba – antifungal ; treatment ; natural components



Representative articles

  1. Costa D, Girardot M, Bertaux J, Verdon J, Imbert C. Efficacy of dental unit waterlines disinfectants on a polymicrobial biofilm. Water Research 2016, 91:38-44
  2. Bernard C, Renaudeau N, Mollichella M-L, Quellard N, Girardot M, Imbert C. Cutibacterium acnes protects Candida albicans from micafungin effect in biofilms. IJAA. 2018, 52: 942-6.
  3. Bernard C, Lemoine V, Hoogenkamp MA, Girardot M, Krom BP, Imbert C. Candida albicans enhances initial biofilm growth of Cutibacterium acnes under aerobic conditions. Biofouling. 2019 35(3): 350-60
  4. Lemoine V, Bernard C, Leman-Loubière C, Clément-Larosière B, Girardot M, Boudesocque-Delaye L, Munnier E, Imbert C. Nanovectorized Microalgal Extracts to Fight Candida albicans and Cutibacterium acnes Biofilms: Impact of Dual-Species Conditions. Antibiotics 2020 26;9(6):E279.
  5. Girardot M, Millot M, Hamion G, Billard J-L, Juin C, Ndong Ntoutoume GMA, Sol V, Mambu L, Imbert C. Lichen polyphenolic compounds for the eradication of Candida albicans Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2021, 11 :698883
  6. Desoubeaux G, Coste AT, Imbert C, Hennequin C. Overview about Candida auris: What’s up 12 years after its first description? J Med Mycol. 2022. 32(2): 101248
  7. Toure S, Millot M, Ory L, Roullier C, Khaldi Z, Pichon V, Girardot M, Imbert C, Mambu L. Access to anti-biofilm compounds from endolichenic fungi using a bioguided networking screening. J Fungi. 2022, 8(10): 1012
  8. Hamion G, Aucher W, Tardif C, Miranda J, Rouger C, Imbert C, Girardot M. Valorization of invasive plant extracts against the bi-species biofilm Staphylococcus aureus-Candida albicans by a bioguided molecular networking screening. Antibiotics 2022. 1(11):1595
  9. Hennequin C, Coste A, Imbert C. Changes in the fungal nomenclature: Why and how to manage? J Mycol Med. 2023 May;33(2):101404
  10. Desrini S, Girardot M, Imbert C, Mustofa M, Nuryastuti T. Screening antibiofilm activity of invasive plants growing at the Slope Merapi Mountain, Central Java, against Candida albicans. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2023 Jul 12;23(1):232
  11. Desrini S, Ducloux J, Hamion G, Bodet C, Labanowski J, Mustofa M, Nuryastuti T, Imbert C, Girardot M. Antibiofilm activity of invasive plants against Candida albicans: focus on Baccharis halimifolia essential oil and its compounds. Chem Biodivers. 2023 Jul 15:e202300130


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